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Synottip Club Vranov Nad Topľou Ownership/Management

Synottip Club Vranov Nad Topľou is one of 86 properties owned by SYNOT Group. The following ownership information is a subset of that available in the Gaming Business Directory published by Casino City Press. For more information about Gaming Business Directory products visit

SYNOT Group (Owner)
Jaktáre 1475
Uherske Hradiste, 686 01
Czech Republic
Contact Info
General Information - +420 572 410 111
Other Properties Owned
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Synottip Aluksne (100% Owned)
Synottip Balvi (100% Owned)
Synottip Bauska (100% Owned)
Synottip Cesis (100% Owned)
Synottip Daugavpils (100% Owned)
Synottip Dobele (100% Owned)
Synottip Gulbene (100% Owned)
Synottip Jelgava (100% Owned)
Synottip Lielvarde (100% Owned)
Synottip Liepaja (100% Owned)
Synottip Limbazi (100% Owned)
Synottip Livani (100% Owned)
Synottip Ludza (100% Owned)
Synottip Olaine (100% Owned)
Synottip Preili (100% Owned)
Synottip Saldus (100% Owned)
Synottip Sigulda (100% Owned)
Synottip Smiltene (100% Owned)
Synottip Talsi (100% Owned)
Synottip Tukums (100% Owned)
Synottip Valka (100% Owned)
Synottip Valmiera (100% Owned)

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